A dog is a human's best friend and as a result we tend to want to give our dear friend the same things we consume. This isn't bad because dogs can eat most of the foods humans eat.

Sadly, there are some foods, fruits and vegetables humans eat that dogs can't eat because they are not safe.

The fact is dogs digest food differently, not quite the same way humans do. As such, eating the wrong food can cause long term health problems and even lead to death.

Knowing The Healthy Foods Your Dog Can It

Because you love your canine companion, it is very important that you know the foods, including fruits and vegetables, that are safe for it's consumption.

As omnivores, dogs may not really need fruits or vegetables as part of their daily food intake, however, they can be used as treats once in a while.

Bear in mind that with all foods, even fruits and vegetables, you have to ensure you check on your dog after trying a new item. This is most crucial for puppies because their stomachs and growing bodies are extra sensitive.

As a result, we have made available a list of fruits and vegetables dogs can eat.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

1. Apples

Apples are a fantastic source of vitamins A and C. Apples are also a good

source of fibre for your pup. Yet it is important to make sure your pup doesn't eat the seeds or core as they can be harmful and difficult to digest.

2. Bananas

Bananas, if taken in moderation, bananas can be a tasty low calorie treat for your dog. Bananas are good for dogs because they are high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fibre and copper. They are also low in cholesterol and sodium. However, because bananas are high in sugar they should sparingly be used as treats.

3. Blackberries

Blackberries can be a great snack for your dog. They are full of antioxidants, fibre and vitamins. Blackberries also contain healthy nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese and fibre. You can freeze them to create a crunchy snack, but like other fruits, give your dog a little at a time.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are wholesome foods full of antioxidants to help boost your canine's body. They are also a great source of fibre and phytochemicals. Just as with Blackberries, Blueberries can also be frozen and served as a cool snack on hot days.

5. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is loaded with nutrients and is a great source of water and fibre. It is also low in calories, making it a good snack for your furry friend. Yet, because it is high in sugar it is necessary to limit your dog's consumption, especially if your dog is diabetic or overweight.

6. Mango

Mango is loved by most dogs, however, if you have to give it to your dog, make sure you get rid of the seed as it can be a choking hazard. The seed can also contain some cyanide which is poisonous for dogs. Mango skin can be tough for dogs to digest so it is best to just feed them the inner fruit.
Another thing to be aware of is the high sugar content in mangoes. Sugar can cause weight gain and diabetes in dogs when consumed regularly, as such it should be given in moderation.    


Vegetables Dogs Can Eat

1. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are technically fine for dogs because they are rich in vitamins A(beta-carotene), B, C, E & K, capsaicin, phosphorus magnesium manganese, carotenoids, and fiber.

However, remember that they can cause stomach pain for some dogs when too many are eaten. Be sure to remove the seeds and the exterior skin of bell peppers, as they can be tough for dogs to digest. A way around it is to cook the bell peppers before giving them to your dog and they would serve as a healthy treat.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is safe for dogs but they should only be consumed in small quantities. Some of the benefits of broccoli for dogs are it's high fibre content, rich vitamin C quantity and it's low fat quality.

3. Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts are another type of vegetable that are safe for dogs. They are full of antioxidants and nutrients. However, avoid cooking Brussel sprouts with oils, spices or butter when you intend to feed your dog with it. Be aware, limit your dog's consumption of brussel sprouts as they are known to cause gas.

4. Carrots

Carrots are also safe and healthy for your furry best friend because they are rich in beta-carotene. This nutrient gives dogs improved skin and coat. The high-fibre in carrots also helps solidify your dog's stools, because carrots have low calories and low fat.



Knowing the fruits and vegetables dogs can eat is the first step towards keeping your canine friend happy. These food options will give your best friend all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.